Thursday, April 13, 2006

Fotoa Sw Mulheres Nuas

No Bacchus.
God only knows what I want to be him, God only knows how I wish this was us fucking of his blogging when he complains about everything and everyone.
But no.
'm Luke. We
David and Luke. We are a triangle
useless without a summit.
And we are in tears in front of a PC with a dutiful obligation to make known to all that has happened.
The only way we could contact some people is through its outlet to the world, that these pages.
Carlo died, Christ is really dead.
And there's a shit to do, nothing that we can give it, nothing.

We have posted 3 pictures that we would remain in the memory of all of you are our last vacation together, I am of Bacchus, the real one.

For anyone who needed clarification or information gave our email addresses, do not hesitate to contact us do not claim an immediate response.

With love.

White Trash and Evil Bart

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How To Chage A3 In Power Point 2007

all? Goodnight

to know before I would take a chainsaw or a flamethrower and I fucking burned anything inherent in the vegetation around me. There must

be the trick, by force of circumstances, you can not ... in short, all this preaching, bla bla bla, Cicic, CoCoCo swept away like that? As if nothing had happened? Well yes there is a part of me lost and suffering but it is lost, it always has been and never seen in all these years, but the rest?

Today I also hunger. No come on, there's the trick.

Or maybe not, no trick, it is normal ... in its small size is all right, everything in proportion. So why am I thinking? Maybe because it's all in due proportion, and then has his reason.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Converting Truck To Rollback


not greener.
No more white.
No more 9. No more
No longer red.
No more yellow.
No more faded ...

... or at least for a while ', goodnight.

My Dog Keeps Rubbing Up Against Furniture

Give me a table ... Wrong

... to make me feel better.

Recipe Salmon Croquettes No Egg

All. Damn. Wrong.

I'm doing something wrong: they are restless, nervous, confused.
Provo (almost) to work satisfaction, not because I like it (work = sux, whatever it is) but because it distracts me or at least tries but even he succeeds completely.

I archived 149,791 byte file. Txt expect that I would not have written anything on it. But why? I know why, but because I do it? That is why I do not know but why the fuck I do? So if you do not use a hammer, use a screwdriver ...

I doubt that I fear will not answer because I do not know what answer I want. Why Qualcunque answer I will not do. In any response I'll see anything negative there. But what is the real answer?
Can an elephant disappear on stage in front of dozens of people? Houdini had done, I believe, but there was obviously the trick. There is always the trick.

I love doing the melodramatic. I love to play the victim, I have always done ... but after a while 'I break my balls and that's that poof, fuck all that I came here and prick as before. Why I can not? Probably because I do not want ... because there is always shiny, tiny but incredibly strong and I wonder how he does. How can I support this and smile as if to say "go between, I know that is so, you just have to convince you too." But it just convinces me too? Or that, for once, be a pessimist is the right thing?

Without my file. Innonderò txt's blog post nonsense, I already know.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

How Can I Play Pokemon Battle Revolution On Pc

That is unfortunate and that remains

One can also repeat a dozen times, a hundred times that shit is good and maybe not stink either, but with all the effort they can put the shit is shit, bitch bitch, shit is.

Do Women Like Men With Crooked Noses


It seems stupid to understand certain things with some bullshit, but that's how.
It 'just come out of a movie intotolato at home with his , a classic romantic comedy served with a trivial and obvious story that has never been used in a movie (I think).

Come to think of it seems to me to be too stupid to poke his head to movies created only in their heads that have not yet found a manufacturer, but they are just scripts that have little real ... but the real boh ... worth it? Have always been so, perhaps too weak to realize that it is wrong or maybe it's useless to even be thinking about it, I'm so point.

it worth it? Ni.

Nì because there are F5 and F9. Nì because this is not a movie (but go) and not the happy ending that surprised me (there are always those), but certain scenes, situations, signs, I could not not even explain it well. Situations which they say is so fides, go between;)

Nì But because they are not unknowingly unfortunate, and given that F9 can not continue to make new roads and see where it leads you know that never arrive at a certain scene.

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Circular, circular ... there's nothing to see! In fixed

Disclaimer: this post should end up in the trash but I liked it so why cancel it? This post does not exist, was written at a time of confusion incazzatura Joint, where you're not pissed off as when cracks lotano you, you kill the horse and you reskillano, but you're pissed off as when, well ... boh as when there is no reason to be angry. This post does not exist.

You know when it happens in the movies mega cock and murder of the police barricades in front of the saying "circolareeee, there's nothing to see!"? There. What the fuck.

Sit here. Yes, here where I am where I am writing, up there. Are you there? Give me your eyes! What do you see? This sentence? Bravo, gg. He pulls up his eyes and tell me you see. The Blacc? The logo tru? It is ok not good but who cares, you see it? Ok good, gg.

Now turn around, or better just look down, you see now? How? Post? Really? .... ... fall, Staying Alive, etc. ... Pussy really see them?
No there's nothing to see, move, move.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Clearing Congestion In A Toddler

Saran 20 minutes that I was fixed on the monitor, read the forum without actually fucking nothing.

1.31, still an hour and a half and I go to bed. I sleep, I sleep a dog, but rather than go to sleep I select icons on the desktop for 20 minutes.

1:33 I want to smoke: I realize these days that I have increased the cigarette smoke during the day ... even in the evenings because the day has not changed anything in the evening but still out on the balcony and smoking, the sad thing is that I feel the need to smoke just as if I can not breathe and I have to throw down smoke. I have always enjoyed a blowjob sizzella but this feeling is new.

1:35 I do not know whether to become vampire in Oblivion. The problems of life.

1.35 (still) predict good and scratching badly. Fucking laziness. I have to do something a bit 'of days and I continue to procrastinate, then I will regret. The past lessons I come into my head.

1:36 am writing crap for not thinking. Greetings. That's exactly.

1.37: Type speed, see below a new way (I think), get in there and
walls and moving back in confusion, totally lost in the interweaving of roads. 1:40 certainly better to write on the blog that select icons. Surely it was better to go out years ago instead of select icons. Maybe I should quit even stagnation, but really sorry Franz mucho sleep tonight anyway fides was not to get out. Why does it rain. In fact rain. 1:42

multiply those 20 minutes. Li coated in a period greater because I like to reach out to the fire and say "ahh really hot ^ ^. Idiot. 1:43

take those 20 minutes and shooting them like a rubber band, they become 40 minutes, 50, 1 hour so on. Around the strange form of flexible time and takes different forms. If. If. If. If. If. If. Many if different. One only beautiful, but the tangle stracazzo.

1:45 ...

1.45 (still) going to smoke. 1:55

it takes me time to smoke a paja. 1:56

one of many. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zero? Yes, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zero? Siiiii. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zero? Yes! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ... hey hey stop. 1? 1. As a? It was not zero? Mo is one.

1:58 1:59 bah bah

but fear. A bit of that is always there with around one thousand baddies that scared, but she is always there. Small, with a little face that bit 'so ^ ^' but he stands firm and I wonder how the hell do with all those pieces that are placed by completing a mosaic that seems clearly to say ... goodnight.

Milena Velba Boobs Real Or Not

... falls ... Staying Alive Special studies

A sudden blow and I slipped from his hands, I did not expect at least not so ... ... now falls.

time slows down while running on the crystal itself down.
time slows to an almost stop and see the crystal is understood that there is going to slow down and go like a dream (nightmare) I can not move or were (much) slower, I have no strength, I'm tired and I remain unable to do anything to look.

It 's the fatigue that stops me, the surrender, letting go. And 'that want to scream, the monster that wants to go out and gains strength with each passing day and that seems to have arrived yesterday where he was to get and have stopped to look at me with his wry smile as if to say "eheh jerk, who' t had? WHO? ".

Shit. Wait a minute, that cost you? You are there good and quiet, let me see how it is. And 'I'm afraid: until a few days ago I felt almost taste to dig in my head, look for weaknesses and tease as the worst masoschista but now I'm scared to do it and I know why. Lack scare me. So give me a moment and you're good.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Milena Velba -busty Teacher

've Decided tonight I'm staying alive just kicking and screaming
And I, I'm staying alive
Blood boiling and steaming

There are things far too dark to comprehend
Sleep on it one more night, one more night
My sad old friend

I'm staying alive
I'm staying alive
Kicking and screaming
Blood boiling and steaming
Staying alive

Doo do doo do doo do doo do
Doo do doo do doo do doo do
Doo do doo do doo do doo do
The worst is over

Estremamente esagerato, comunque me la sparerei tutta la serata sta canzone. It wasn't gg.

State Licence Holograms

Inspired by Blog Adso and Mela (macsux) open I also write a nice post for the particular keywords that some people used to get sad about these beaches. Then I try to write something different ... In short we feel pain that goes tomorrow we go back ... The key research

winner is:
would like to see a horse's cock
Now what has me a bit 'surprised it is not the search key (which I dare not repeat on google to see what the port), each has its own obsessions, desires, etc. ... who am I to judge? So if you like to see cocks horse and why not? maybe fiddling with a thing like your business, you make me just a little 'sick but as long as my eyes do not see innocent abominable things we can be ... uh I'm a bit '... ah yes, what amazes me is how the fuck are you doing over here is real?


Monday, April 3, 2006

How To Get Rid Of Skin Indentation

a punishment for not having thought of sleep.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Rome

Awakenings and return from teeeeeeee

Abstract: I've never been a big fan of the song is, however, Cherubini (Sunbeam) has always taken me well (that language GGgggiovane eh?) I will remember the summer of '99 on holiday with Bern, Cange and Teo (no bother when you show names / nicknames of people who do not know?) in a camping (I hate camping), Liguria (no beach but rocks = sux) and totally out of money and the memory of this holiday is strapositivo because despite everything we've made big laughs. However

nothing to do with a cock

During 'weekend I had thought not to write anything on the blog, so why I always write the same topic and raramentissimamente point about other things, because I'm playing Oblivion ( not by not primarily for this reason even if it is apparently no longer valid), because cryptic make things seem more difficult because mu is the cow and the blackbird is not me (?) scriverescriverescrivere and I think mainly because it seemed to me not to get the most effect "venting" (also a whirl of ripezioni leparole have written more or less the same way, the same castle cards) but an opposite effect. We'll see, because if you have to do zac zac is probably best done at 360 °, but depends on the role that I take dear blog, what have you become? What should you be? And back by

repeat those four hours, however, because more: today, tomorrow, tomorrow, on even days and odd. Anytime, you know. Oh, and today I just pretty hair casserole dish, were always the case.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

How To Replace Front Shocks On A Liberty


number higher? low number?

points of view.
I do not know why I really do not see it so suddenly, in the infinite greatness of the whole global total, is a fucking tiny spit, but if you look at that fucking good number is huge.

What shall I do? Receive e-mail contests, sweepstakes in which we hope sincerely miss (SIII cosmic bad luck bla bla) is still pleased. Very. But not enough.

168 and weigh from first to last. It is ok I did it, we did it, joy and happiness ... But it weighs a lot. Nay more.
need? If you need ok, if not on, I yield, I'll give definitely.
Last time this time was pleasantly interrupted unexpectedly happily, but now?

168 x 2 I do not think over it, first iNpazzisco bim bam bum here and there.

tremendous fear of repeating the error again, ok but 2 is an idiot ... indeed even the first is for idiots, but my goodness you are not perfect.

not know what to do ...

Backpack Routes Ireland

How ... I gotta get out

O a swimming pool without water
the terrace of my house in the middle of August
beaches in the middle of Bibione December
the streets of Varese on Sunday afternoon, the streets of Varese
cinema Vittoria
the kitchen of my house after my brother passed
the head of a mac user
a gathering of enthusiastic readers of the labels of pineapple
a page of my word just
are opening a folder when 'went' to school
an abandoned house
my desk when they were questioning a balloon festival

... me.

A journey in Brazil? Why not?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

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is stuffy in here ...

Streamingisuka Otome Valkyrie 1


Today I do not know what to write and I need it. Leparolechenontihodetto help some but they are too "closed". We

, how are you?
Here I seem to be classical in that dream where you run, you run, you run, you run, you stop, you look back and note that the road is little traveled. The days fly but time does not pass: an abnormal situation never experienced. thoughts remain but change the paranoia. For the worse? For the better? No, just change. Which is worse? Which is better? None, same ...
If before banging your head against a wall of a certain color, now I do it against a wall a different shade, but still we are talking to the wall. Increasingly, we are talking about banging your head.

That fear is there. I try to drive them clinging to the rest, to past thoughts and dreams but the future is stronger, there is nothing to be done.
The not knowing is devastating, doubts creep in with malice as a dagger rogue nerfed by all.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Astra Chanle Indian Frequnce

The game of silence

One of the many games that were made by small ... fact that the great forced us to do while traveling in our blessed innocence. A hateful game cock, he and that other shit "witch color controls" for obvious reasons I hated it especially since it was quite frustrating to point the finger at the small object that had a blue side and hear you say "but what is purple: D ". Fuck you laughing? E 'traumatic for god, fuck who invented the viola.
And the game of silence? A silly solution to a herd of children's pain in the ass to keep quiet. It seems easy to stand there like idiots shut up but just smile and say "GO!" you get the urge to scream, scream

, SCREAM SCREAM and still like a madman unleashed. It 'hard to stay silent when you want to talk. It 's a big mess ... and there are times when I wish I could cry, but I would just talk.


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Always on alert

There is yellow do not make me jump and then fall. There Tinkerbell (yes, Tinker Bell from Peter Pan) that does not make me vain hope.
There is no sign, time, situation that is interwoven in the mind creates strange links. Today it seems

November, a gray day and disgusting. I would be staring a wall all day with the iPod in my ears ... I would honestly rather every day in front of that wall.

Tuesday. I do not understand. The days pass in the sense that I look forward every minute and it seems that time has slowed down but runs normally, the days are still to be slow slow slow. I look back, I try one day the past week as a reference point and it seems centuries have passed since then but no, just a few days of miserable and pointless shit.

E 'each other?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wrestled Plastic Pants

suspended in the air

Disclaimer: now probably the post will be even more troublesome past. C'est la vie. Tonight I
asleep after 4. Not because it did not end
Kotor2 more (oh my God also, and what a great final of shit), not because of that I just installed Oblivion and ended in despair for the choice of the character, but because it was out of sleep.

suspended in the air
float, suspended in the air for most of the time, but unfortunately sometimes I fall down and fly. My heart jumped into my throat and on ... Recovery shortly after returning to the status of the first, it scares me tremendously the possibility that the roles are reversed or settled and fall from time to time, the normal wave. We'll see.

I do not know. I do not understand. I can not find the solution.
As a word without being able to say? Without being able to write?
Knowing without information?
Lucas will have reason to say that the dark side is easier but does not lead to anything?
The Easy Way or the more correct way?

Our fears come true, at least I'm in it up to his neck. Pretend it was too warm blankets and tomorrow everything would be back to normal ... the simplest way, a confidence that made me feel good and now I tremble before the unknown.

lousy post and the cat woman of Oblivion is as bad as death. They could never put that ugly face ... We declare that I will use? An elf's cock?