Sunday, April 9, 2006

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Circular, circular ... there's nothing to see! In fixed

Disclaimer: this post should end up in the trash but I liked it so why cancel it? This post does not exist, was written at a time of confusion incazzatura Joint, where you're not pissed off as when cracks lotano you, you kill the horse and you reskillano, but you're pissed off as when, well ... boh as when there is no reason to be angry. This post does not exist.

You know when it happens in the movies mega cock and murder of the police barricades in front of the saying "circolareeee, there's nothing to see!"? There. What the fuck.

Sit here. Yes, here where I am where I am writing, up there. Are you there? Give me your eyes! What do you see? This sentence? Bravo, gg. He pulls up his eyes and tell me you see. The Blacc? The logo tru? It is ok not good but who cares, you see it? Ok good, gg.

Now turn around, or better just look down, you see now? How? Post? Really? .... ... fall, Staying Alive, etc. ... Pussy really see them?
No there's nothing to see, move, move.


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