Monday, March 27, 2006

Wrestled Plastic Pants

suspended in the air

Disclaimer: now probably the post will be even more troublesome past. C'est la vie. Tonight I
asleep after 4. Not because it did not end
Kotor2 more (oh my God also, and what a great final of shit), not because of that I just installed Oblivion and ended in despair for the choice of the character, but because it was out of sleep.

suspended in the air
float, suspended in the air for most of the time, but unfortunately sometimes I fall down and fly. My heart jumped into my throat and on ... Recovery shortly after returning to the status of the first, it scares me tremendously the possibility that the roles are reversed or settled and fall from time to time, the normal wave. We'll see.

I do not know. I do not understand. I can not find the solution.
As a word without being able to say? Without being able to write?
Knowing without information?
Lucas will have reason to say that the dark side is easier but does not lead to anything?
The Easy Way or the more correct way?

Our fears come true, at least I'm in it up to his neck. Pretend it was too warm blankets and tomorrow everything would be back to normal ... the simplest way, a confidence that made me feel good and now I tremble before the unknown.

lousy post and the cat woman of Oblivion is as bad as death. They could never put that ugly face ... We declare that I will use? An elf's cock?


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