Sunday, April 9, 2006

Do Women Like Men With Crooked Noses


It seems stupid to understand certain things with some bullshit, but that's how.
It 'just come out of a movie intotolato at home with his , a classic romantic comedy served with a trivial and obvious story that has never been used in a movie (I think).

Come to think of it seems to me to be too stupid to poke his head to movies created only in their heads that have not yet found a manufacturer, but they are just scripts that have little real ... but the real boh ... worth it? Have always been so, perhaps too weak to realize that it is wrong or maybe it's useless to even be thinking about it, I'm so point.

it worth it? Ni.

Nì because there are F5 and F9. Nì because this is not a movie (but go) and not the happy ending that surprised me (there are always those), but certain scenes, situations, signs, I could not not even explain it well. Situations which they say is so fides, go between;)

Nì But because they are not unknowingly unfortunate, and given that F9 can not continue to make new roads and see where it leads you know that never arrive at a certain scene.


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