Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why Does Seman Smell Like Fish


I fell in love with you the first time.
No, not when I first saw it, but when I dreamed your scent even before you conceive.
You were strong, determined.
Or maybe I was so, desirous of the love that only knows how to give a piece innocent.
I've tried without saying anything to anyone, our great little secret.
remains to the idea that no matter who really knows how and where we had this crazy desire for you.
It was the most beautiful moment, still see themselves as children, but have a desire so great.
and feel lost without you, even then ...

with you then, everything has changed.
A whole life, waiting to figure out what to do to be great.
And here I knew right away that, when looking at your dad that day, I read in him the same desire.

Christmas baby, your wishes for these seven years.
With a mother is not always perfect, sometimes demanding.
I know, I know, but you're my princess.
I would like to see you grow up without seeing you suffer, I wish I could always find the explanations easy for you to understand this world sometimes just a bit 'strange ..

Baby, I'm so proud to have you as a daughter.
are even more to have you as the only child, because this link will remain unique in time.
You and I, the two women of the house.
You and I, for now we can share all
from your little love for Sam, to your desire to marry in the future.

You're so sweet, so tender, so sensitive.
you, you're beautiful like the sun, toothless some days even more so (he lost a tooth ...).
With hair that go where they want them that hate you, your hair rebels.
With your mother's eyes, and your character so special.
Oh sure, Mom thumbnail in many ways, stubborn, touchy, and stale.
Well there's not much to say, you're my daughter.

GREETINGS GIGIA, as only we call you, and you do because you're angry Elisa.
You're beautiful, you're special.

Quest 'year you grow, you've discovered the truth that they grow, you have lived
even death on people I knew well.
But you always found a shoulder to cry on, you always find in us who made you smile even in those moments ..
How do you say with us without realizing it, or perhaps, account for

... You're getting big, now you did not want any gifts.
Since dad works recently, you have accepted only 7 packages of stickers, such as your age.
You still do not know, but in reality with the help of grandparents, you bought what we want most in the world, your beloved wii
... But now I look at you, and I can see through the eyes of a mother in love, you are so happy, with a small bouquet of flowers that the florist has brought in your name with your watch Wall secretly bought the lidl one last time.
And with a kitten that cost nothing, but it fills your heart with joy.

Greetings my love.
I love you, et'amerĂ² forever.


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