Tuesday, May 19, 2009

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Egocentric ... Lunatica ..... THE LAST ... THE ONLY ...

Simona Molinari, one of several proposals last holiday in Sanremo.
did not win, oh no, even if he deserved the victory because the particular Arisa.

is beautiful, sunny, it's simple and nice.
But above all, has created a song about ME.

"With the applause of the people who listen to me and I do not feel
With reviews and fears of those who are well aware that a po'Egocentrica
And sometimes maybe a bit 'moody
But I will not be the Who wants to hear first and last
of being the only "

Yeah, so.
terribly self-centered. Talk
just me this song.
Or maybe the world of women in general?
We are all self-centered, moody, and so on? Practically very
break balls ahaha, but it is useless, without us, do not go anywhere.


Seeking the attention of those men
sell greedy eyes and emotions know
live in symbiosis with the applause of the people who listen to me and I do not feel
With reviews and fears of those who know that they are also a po'Egocentrica
And sometimes maybe a bit 'moody
But I will not be the first and last
What does the feeling of being the only
not follow fashion and are not consumed
not distinguish a Skoda from a point or a Fiesta
even if I run this wind
I will never live up
Why only when
love, laugh, cry and sing ... Egocentric
And sometimes maybe a bit 'moody
But I will not be the first and last
What does feeling of being the only
And if you give me date tonight
not expect it to arrive at that
You call me and let me hear Mrs.
As a child you know is ancoraEgocentrica
And sometimes maybe a bit 'moody
But I the first and last
What does that feel of being the only
The only
Now you know why I'm here in front
not misjudge me because I'm fragile
spotlight off even timid but not for this stupid
And after the stage a real life yet I do.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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Six months ....

you're falling asleep exhausted in the arms of your mother.
With your blue eyes look at me and your mouth opens to a huge smile.

From the sides, out of milk. You just drank
a giant bottle of milk, a bottle of nanna.
I must remember to look for bottles larger, because now you are for the 250 ml in just a few meals.

dinner looked at me curious about everything and a bit 'of pasta, a little' meat,
a bit 'of potatoes, a little' bread .. every little piece you were happy to see you reach a fork.

You're letting go, you're going to close my eyes. Good night ... love

Six months ago, you were not there yet. Just today
celebrate your six months in this world.
six months were difficult, including bad news, unemployment of father, and
many things.
But you, you were our light.
you with your need us, you and your desire to grow.

You made me happy every day,
make me happy for a lifetime.

good six months my baby.
8 and 100 pounds of pure fat, to bite everything and fill it with kisses.
Reeks With those feet that you love so much to eat. Lardos
With those hands that know how to give gentle caresses.
And those lips that try to send kisses to mom,
and lean gently on my cheek, leaving a kiss slobbery giant size.

I love you, and best wishes amore.Sei months together, a life still to get to know each other better.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

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Here they are my children.
Elisa, Paul, and Fabio.
ray of sunshine in a sometimes difficult life.
Smiles given away, stolen moments.

The great thing about being in the world, sonon them.
In a world a little strange, because of wickedness and absurdity,
enough for me to have them feel good.

And just look at them, find out why.
If that is not enough, think of it in bed, because I'm tired.
Ely and Paul neighbors, each in his own bed. But two hands together, hand in hand because sleep is more beautiful.

I love them, my 3 little treasures.

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Although this day is about to end, leaving two rows quickly.
Today is Mother's Day wishes to all the mothers of the world.

I believe that within us, we are all a bit 'mothers.
Even those of children has not for various reasons, or those who are still too small to be able to have.
Mom, somehow, it is in the DNA.

I celebrated with my three darling, that are really fallen angels from heaven.
But now I want to write about MAMMA MIA, because it was also his party.

MOM, the greatest gift that I've done is put myself in the world.
I've cuddled, caressed me
million times.
kiss me like I'm still your little girl, despite my 25 years
and I say I love you as if for the first time.

mom, when I loved the most was seven years ago.
When I petted, and I saw in your eyes the fear of what I was experiencing.
childbirth, I so small and helpless at that moment,
but also so strong and determined, and you
that were to become a grandmother for the first time.

MOM, you make me smile even in the worst moments.
Can you always be there, to be you. Tremendously
mom, crazy and wonderful as only you know are.

Mom, I can not let go.
I can not even think that maybe you have to fight against something too big.
No, I can do it mom.
I still feel so little without you, without your love.

together, and woe to you if I soft mother.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why Does Seman Smell Like Fish


I fell in love with you the first time.
No, not when I first saw it, but when I dreamed your scent even before you conceive.
You were strong, determined.
Or maybe I was so, desirous of the love that only knows how to give a piece innocent.
I've tried without saying anything to anyone, our great little secret.
remains to the idea that no matter who really knows how and where we had this crazy desire for you.
It was the most beautiful moment, still see themselves as children, but have a desire so great.
and feel lost without you, even then ...

with you then, everything has changed.
A whole life, waiting to figure out what to do to be great.
And here I knew right away that, when looking at your dad that day, I read in him the same desire.

Christmas baby, your wishes for these seven years.
With a mother is not always perfect, sometimes demanding.
I know, I know, but you're my princess.
I would like to see you grow up without seeing you suffer, I wish I could always find the explanations easy for you to understand this world sometimes just a bit 'strange ..

Baby, I'm so proud to have you as a daughter.
are even more to have you as the only child, because this link will remain unique in time.
You and I, the two women of the house.
You and I, for now we can share all
from your little love for Sam, to your desire to marry in the future.

You're so sweet, so tender, so sensitive.
you, you're beautiful like the sun, toothless some days even more so (he lost a tooth ...).
With hair that go where they want them that hate you, your hair rebels.
With your mother's eyes, and your character so special.
Oh sure, Mom thumbnail in many ways, stubborn, touchy, and stale.
Well there's not much to say, you're my daughter.

GREETINGS GIGIA, as only we call you, and you do because you're angry Elisa.
You're beautiful, you're special.

Quest 'year you grow, you've discovered the truth that they grow, you have lived
even death on people I knew well.
But you always found a shoulder to cry on, you always find in us who made you smile even in those moments ..
How do you say with us without realizing it, or perhaps, account for

... You're getting big, now you did not want any gifts.
Since dad works recently, you have accepted only 7 packages of stickers, such as your age.
You still do not know, but in reality with the help of grandparents, you bought what we want most in the world, your beloved wii
... But now I look at you, and I can see through the eyes of a mother in love, you are so happy, with a small bouquet of flowers that the florist has brought in your name with your watch Wall secretly bought the lidl one last time.
And with a kitten that cost nothing, but it fills your heart with joy.

Greetings my love.
I love you, et'amerĂ² forever.

Friday, May 8, 2009

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GIGIA Toothless

I want to buy a nice vase of flowers.
Of those colors, red and yellow. So do come
colored necessarily a good mood today ... I want to give

last night because every time I look I see between your teeth a huge window.
my baby tooth.
Did you removed that tooth alone swinging too but did not want say hello.
I know that the mother's face when you told me looks mami swing, you have the view.
are bleached almost to a millimeter of blood ....

What you mom, my beauty .. It may take you a great patience with me, you know!
Meanwhile, you're no longer my Gigia, but my Gigia Toothless.
And you look so fine with that ... bucone

is not the first tooth is gone,
but somehow this is more special than others.
Perhaps because last night you told me to put it under my pillow, and I smiled
sapendoti still a child, even if by now you know that many little fantasies are not reality.

I fell asleep (well, let us say, but you know that with this snorer to sleep when your brother is not bad), and I thought the little woman, but still my baby girl.

I thought how strange it is no longer believed in Santa Claus and Baby Jesus,
but still believe in the tooth fairy.
We see that you want to stay on the world of children ... ..

This actually thought last night before bed.
Tonight I came in the room and I hid under my pillow the coins ..
And this morning, you have found the gift of fairy ...

Gigia Toothless know I do not know, I slept (ehhh ... who really wants to sleep) ...

Ah here, besides no longer being a little girl, you've also made a very clever man.

Friday, May 1, 2009

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not want to see them sick more

They forgot to show me a list of pros and cons when I decided to become a mother.
I do not know how, but lately I struggle to feel so bad for these three pupotti.
I feel your heart break, I lose ten years every 20 days, and really that
coming to retirement age when all three are still minors. Today

other mega trip to the emergency room. The last time was
Bibetto (er child) Paul and now, my blond angel.
If only I could rip that bad off.
If only I could I feel bad for him ....

But no, I watched without doing anything,
kissed him, telling him now passes, time passes. And after two more minutes.
What was difficult ... ..

ENTER, so we have left to go home after half a day to the emergency room.
him, my little prince, he was desperate and evil. He
atrocious pain in the stomach, doubled over and screamed.
If only I had not been terrified I would have thought to call an exorcist,
but the time was certainly not joking ... because

There is little to do, whenever I think something is wrong and I'm from unmentionable diseases in dogs ....

ENTER, after more than an hour of the hospital, abdominal colic has passed away, thanks to some magic
fart. He

?! Also had to do blood tests, and maintain for most of the time the needle of an IV for hydration.
I almost felt like crying and explained what was going to do, but he has proven strong.

STRONG Yes, my prince.
not as the mother who shits in the first sign of illness, eh ...
But he already has done it, I said it was ready to make even the removal of tonsils, because he is GREAT.

Not me however, I feel so small and tired after this day

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May 1 .... NEW LIFE ...

Today is May 1.
Ah yes, Labor Day.
A special day for the world, and
a sad day as the other to the other party.
Like Switzerland, and my love / hate for her.
Today we are all at home, but the column of this family,
our Papi, there is precisely because it works in Switzerland.

But we cuddled however, the four of us kids at home.

Today is May 1st, and I say ENOUGH.
I want to make a ship other than the usual, I want to now think a little 'me.

For over seven years, I thought to myself, my body, as I should.
I missed so many things in their mind first, to complete that picture is so perfect that I am now with the five components.

Three pregnancies since 2001, three parts from 2002 to 2008.
And now?! I look in the mirror and certainly the Tati seven years ago is gone.
I miss? A little bit, but honestly I do not want to go back to the Tati seven years ago. Tati

I want a new, results in any case is a mother first.
But it is still a woman, ready to meet.
With small gestures.
Today is May 1, the beginning of a new month.
a calendar month, hopefully.
A month full of thoughts, as always, but also a month of passage to get to the long-awaited vacation.

really begins the adventure of pounds,
and that this time is the right time.