Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wwe Make Your Own Wrestler Toy


Federico has 15 years, the same age as Yahoo. The audience of the workshop "15 years of Internet advertising (R) evolution", one of many held in the Forum of Digital Communication, listens in silence and tells a little 'excited about the relationship between a teenager and the web.
"I turn on my computer when I get back from school - says Federico - First, check your e-mail, then do look at the latest news and then I go on Facebook. E 'on the social network I spend most of the time when front of the computer. "
But Frederick is also passionate about basketball. For this always gives a look at the official site Federation of his favorite sport.
"And if I see a shirt or some other gadget that I like, I go on e-Bay and I buy them," says the voice now reassured by the attention in the room.
He had been advised not to mention Facebook, but there you are ... So better investigated. "Why so much like the social network for teenagers?", Asks the moderator.
"Because there is always something to do - says the high school - I can watch or upload videos, photos and links. Can I chat with friends."
Fred does not know, but after this statement "The Book of faces" will further increase its popularity among adults. Because what else scares the more the parents of the boredom that can steal your soul to a child? But in the workshop
it comes to advertising and inevitable question becomes: "What strikes you advertising on the web?
"It strikes me as nothing - is the answer - maybe I see it, but it affects me. For example, among my peers is very strong a backpack that I see advertised anywhere."
disconcerting professionals.
Lorenzo Montagna, Italy Yahoo! to ask a question for a hundred million dollars: "How to capture the needs of digital natives and at the same time, the willingness of adult-credit card holders?".
The question remains unanswered, but Fred has earned his team's shirt preferred.
For the uninitiated, the Forum of digital communication took place yesterday in Milan at Palazzo Mezzanotte, in Piazza Affari.

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