Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why Does My Lower Left Abdomen Hurt When I Laugh


A transparent policy: This is the great challenge of Openpolis (www.openpolis.it) project launched on the Net to engage citizens in an undertaking, given the time, you may see titanic . But Wikipedia shows: launches an innovative project, put the tools (open source, off course!) And success is assured. So go! We start with the tax returns of members of parliament (by the way, only about 45 ladies and 630 have given their consent to publish their fees!), Continue with deputies and senators who have not yet acquired the right to retirement (and then the question is: but it is not who happened to be Italian politics more than by the case Ruby is locked anguish of our representatives to remain without the golden loaf?), up to the statements made by ministers and politicians every day. Because what you teach a beginner is that journalists in Italy, if you write about politics, you can write anything, so the rule "here I say here and deny it."
to this data collection challenges everyone, even "adopting" a single policy that will be followed throughout its course. The amount of information is enormous: there is a list of all the elect, and not just parliamentarians, but also representatives at the local level there is the list of legislative measures taken and to be taken, there are the no-confidence motions and the hit parade of most members in attendance. There is also a search function to the elected institutions by entering the name of the City of belonging ... Well has it all! Indeed, if a criticism you can make is that perhaps the reading should be "relieved" the policy we know is not an easy subject to digest and is perhaps why so many they are apathetic.
Critics, however, does not alter the goodness of the transaction, we are tired of the usual discussions of "hot air", there is an enormous need for concreteness and transparency. Not only the word, however, but one that is based on facts. As Hannah Arendt wrote in his Vita Activa "power is made only where word and action are mutually supportive, where words are not empty and deeds not brutal, where words are not used to hide the intentions but to disclose realities , and gestures are not used to violate and destroy but to establish relations and create new realities. " This is the power "that keeps alive the public sphere." Everything else is sottopotere and keeps alive the public sphere but destroys it.

According to Law 633 of 22 April 1941 prohibited any total or partial reproduction of text. Any citations must report the source from which it derives.


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