Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Does A Black Bracelet Mean


My name is Daniel, known as Tati. I
mom for almost seven years before the beautiful Elisa,
Paul and then came a few months Fabietto.
I'm happy, watching the morning, while daiii scream that it is late and the school closes.
I'm happy, when I have to do everything in a hurry because I pretend to do it without help.
I just watch them to know I'm doing the right thing.

I am a mother by choice. We have tried our
Ely almost in silence, for fear of
want something too big.

Here we are now, after almost seven years, and smile.
Because of our wish has come true.

gives me crazy every day, for trying this third life.
I only now, even with Fabio beside us, I feel really complete.

Oh yes, I'm 25 years old.
slowly I'm getting old but I simply.
are at a crossroads, looking at the age of 25 as if it were a great achievement, and there are

And now?! Now I wish that within 25 years have been fulfilled.
And I have others, to wait for 35.
From that we can do, to grow together with our children.
to become parents, who knows, at least decent ...

In all this I have a man beside Lele, my Ciccio. I call
Ciccio since we first met, nine years ago.
I love it, watch it and I realize that without him I would not be here now.

I'm happy, my happiness I hold strong to not lose sight ever.
But I know that there is still the road, will there be happiness.
I know that this world is worth living it.


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