Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Often Do Nhl Players Get New Equipment

hello hello 2008!

My 2008 was a year of shit
. At times I play my mother and Manuel, economic problems and the more you have, and so forth . November and December brought good news: new friends, decent job again. In short, the year he veered towards the positive end. That kind of positivity that makes you smile and think that in the end not everything sucks, and not everything went wrong. Somehow we came out alive also came from the
... which is good. Anyone who knows me knows how I hate it as a feast. I find it pretty damn hypocritical.
And as always approached New Year brings you to do some sort of budget you do not know how accurate or not even you (also) be true. The first 7 months, delete them all from first to last: Economic, mother's illness, problems with Carlo in the U.S., and all the tragedies associated with these events. Many, too many tears shed and a summer full of nothing . I consider myself lucky in terms of interpersonal, especially after May: I have strengthened some knowledge, I have made others that have been important for my spiritual growth and my mood. Especially for the latter:). And then the article published in the U.S. and the Po Valley were great satisfaction. At the same time, however I must admit to being worried about someone. And as usual the helplessness that I have in some situations

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Desmume Pokemon Roms For Mac

Merry Christmas !!!!!

Merry Christmas!

! Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sony Psw 6 X 16 Screws

A New Day Has Come?

It starts to work seriously with a fixed back together after months of stagnation collaborations and dancers ... is not a contract, at least for now, but it is always a good satisfaction, especially because the salary is a little 'higher. Then in the latter period, smile often, which never hurts. And it is true, smiling is good. :) A small musical tribute.

Mauro Di Maggio-I do not know.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Certify Nys Unemployment Benefits

And then ...

you want to shout to the sky ... for a 10 thousand reasons, in contrast with the other. Essentially primordial ... but true from first to last.

How Many Cals In 1 Shirmp

A little 'good music just

choose deliberately covers. The originals are unmatched in my opinion, but they are close enough. Latest I have recently discovered two: I am due to change his mind on the music of the 80s. : P

Take That-Shine

GOLD-live for her

Jason Mraz-I'm Yours

Patti Smith-Because The Night

Maggie Reilly-Everytime we touch (actually this is a cover version of Cascada of the same song, find a cover of Maggie's impossible.)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Can You Shower With Tiffan

When You Smile (Nat King Cole docet)

am serene. During this period, despite the various casinos, I am calm. I laugh so much, listening to good music, I make good conversation, and gradually learn different dialects (ghghghghg: D, Calabria and Sardinia). I'm riassaporando than ever the pleasure of the little things. Nonsense microscopic but they put a smile on your face for hours. And I am writing to

recollect when and if the period is shit. Because before I was fine, but now I realize I'm better, I'm more relaxed. The work should not be super, but better than before and this affects. And I still enjoy doing I did not do stupid things like this for years and affects as well. Yesterday I was listening to, while tuning up your computer files a "Russian lesson
" (for those who speak Russian: I told you that I had recorded ...: D) and am shocked to hear the laugh .. . I laughed me deeply, and he was laughing so beautiful! I think it's all a concentric circle: to be more relaxed leads me to be more serene , be more relaxed and makes me more relaxed. And yet the relationship I developed with the prof ... makes me happy because I realized that that taboo has fallen for years that I had on female friendships. I think it is useless to make a list of my people Special, who is known to be one. Perhaps the only pet peeve about who comes forward and backward ... but to a certain point. Because when you know who you are in front, you also know how to juggle that entails. Rereading ... heck, this looks damn feel-good post ... and maybe it is. I'll be missing shots? No, I do not think. :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Auditions Hands

I say open heart

originally wrote in my Facebook profile . In the images the last letter of Charles. And then tell me if I'm wrong. often forget that behind the prison, there is a world that is born, grows and dies in parallel to our own. Also I do not know, or pretended to forget it before I met Charles. It is often more convenient to pretend that damn thing. Thanks to him I learned that it is just such an attitude. In my effort to help this part of my family is with me, Katie knows, loves them. The other, I do not know why, it highly strafrega. Perhaps because they have fear of the unknown .. I do not know. I'm just not cared about him is even when I published the piece on the Community Alliance (monthly Fresno, California) and La Padania. Yesterday I received a Bustone by Charles, which the newspaper with the original of my article, a letter, and greeting a group of inmates gave him for his birthday last 1 novembre.Ora you'll wonder what this have with the opening of my writing. It 'easy to say. We often ignore that they are guilty or innocent prisoners remain first and foremost people.

E 'was spectacular read all the thoughts that these detainees had written to Charles. Among them there are those who know them, and those who know little, but despite this is an extraordinary feeling of affection that comes out. This ticket (which you can see at this link: also gives me a way to tell how, day after day I realize that despite his natural defects, and Carlo a very special person. . Tenetevela in mind because the contrast that comes out is crazy. Well, now think of a person 5 years unjustly detained, harassed, and living with a very limited budget. A person who took pleasure knowing me, wrapped and shipped to Italy in a newspaper of a 40in of pages, so for me and give me the pleasure, the satisfaction of framing my first "international" (as he called it). Spending the equivalent of at least 4 letters. Without bothering to hear my complaints and reproaches Telephone of weeks that told not only do the jerk and snatch the page with the article. When those 8 stamps "1st class" that has used, could be used for anything else. But that's not all that jars with the ignorance of that part of my family.
The big difference is that in spite of that article about him and therefore could represent something positive for him, the first comment following the confirmation of publication, even before you see the official copy was of joy because I had published, as it was written, "and now you have to frame, you were really good," and so on. Contentment for me and what that piece could be for me. All those things that you would expect at least minimal even by your relatives. Reactions that they are never, and instead always run by Charles. Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear over the phone and when I told him that the Bustone had arrived, he assumed the role of proud father of his daughter "(funny, I felt the same reaction my father's Article!) That plan how and where and with what frame it! "So when many years between when you show your grandchildren the stories ..." I know that there were express the most beautiful words he said or the tone in which he told her. And as he spoke I thought about those idiots of my relatives .... thinking that it is true that the family is not determined from the blood flowing, but the affection you feel. The thing that keeps me smiling, and I will end here because I am far too long, is that at the beginning wanted to ask Katie if I framed her to surprise me! Poor Katie, she would not only this!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Milena Velba Nyeste Billeder


words you thought you did not read more. Sentences that do not think you hear. "Somethimes They Come back," said Stephen King. "For a while," I add. But in all this is a must to thank with all my heart who is making me laugh like I did not do for some time. Thanks. Me deeply.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Women's Feet Stink

BlogTV and an evening with any other business ....

Beautiful photos Manu and me right? Needless to tell you how much I love my brother! Needless to list all the concerns in recent days. It is not suitable place or time. But I can turn this little post in a sort of review of BlogTV. A site with a thousand problems, but can you really make good laugh even when heart really Scazzi. Introduced in this round by pseudoinfernale
Andrea, who is currently also the person with more patience in explaining the operation ever, I must say it is a pretty good pastime, fun and educational at the same time, as being composed of a multitude of people of different nationalities (very few Italians) the main language of communication is English. Several channels that I watched. I must say that in addition to Andrew, which I recognize to be my base blogtvvuiana fooling around, I prefer to have something to do with music channels, or interesting conversation. At the moment I'm spending a pleasant evening by
, a "singer" no evil that has created a sort of "boothy and friends," in which he can sing and sing who is inside. Although it considers to get along quite well with a few songs, I think that before finding the courage to respond positively to the question: "susan want to sing?" I think they will spend weeks: D

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Flip Hd Camera, Kuala Lumpur

God, the first step is done

Community Alliance - November 2008 - page 16 - Fresno, Ca "La Padania" of October 29, 2008 - Page 8 - Sec. Politics

Monday, October 20, 2008

Conair Messaging Slips

2 days x Parlanti

taken from "THE FUND"

Valentina Cervelli

A phone call. A round of applause that comes naturally. And a tear falls down her face the man who is holding the handset. E 'October 15, 2008. On the one hand, the stalls of the Italian players of Milan. At the other end of the wire, Parlanti, in
link from prison. All this during an 'interview Conduct telephone in an evening dedicated to him, born from the collaboration between the Association nonprofit Prisoners of Silence
and artists in Milan, led by Ivan Suen.
"The Case Parlanti: between fiction and reality." A meeting created to let people know who is Parlanti, what has been accused (unfairly) and how his life has been transformed into an inferno on the basis of nothing. Why is it that still, after four years, affects people who decide to stop and look at the evidence and read the documentation of the case: Parlanti is accused without any actual proofs of his guilt and, even more, with obvious infringement of the evidence presented in court.

is then that the first press conference called by Prisoners of Silence on October 10 and again during the event sponsored by the Center
Italian actors

15, there was a chance to touch hand and empathize with the everyday man's sad that increasingly is becoming a symbol of the often tragic conditions of the Italians held abroad. With the aggravating circumstance in this case, than others of his innocence.

During the press conference
October 10, Katia

Anedda, president of Prisoners of Silence, and with it Ms. Luciana Martena

(PDL) Hon.
Matteo Salvini,
(League) and Dr Renata

Galanti (League), explained the major issues concerning the detention of a fellow over state borders. Among them, the objective difficulties of language and prison overcrowding, a service that is not always conducted in a linear fashion by the authorities and the difficulty, always felt he could really trust the lawyers that you contact. But most of all the physical integrity of their loved ones, often put at risk by high promiscuity and infectious diseases. Parlanti

's case is taken as an example: Dr. Martena praises Prisoners of Silence for the innovative work done so far while Ms. Galante, head of Families of the ATM offers the collaboration of the Northern League lawyers related to it to study for a concrete resolution to the speaker.

is then introduced Ivan Suen, president of the Center of Milan, Italian actors, who describes in great detail and simplicity of the reasons that led him to want to organize a show on Parlanti. And on this occasion, this evening, that the very essence of the case and the lives torn Parlanti to find a way, revealing to the audience in front of the Italian actors. Thanks to the wonderful interpretation of Gabriele Milia,

a monologue composed by writer Julie Bologna
Parlanti seems to be present in the audience, he is the illustration of the documentation to support his longtime girlfriend Katie Anedda. And people's eyes are grainy, the emotion rises, the murmur is constant.

Gianfranco Ferreri, criminal lawyer of the Turin Bar present at the event, spoke in the debate. The documentation on the case is presented, analyzes the inconsistencies highlighted the injustices. The room falls silent in the moment, around 23, the theater sound system sounds the notes of a telephone ring.

The star of the evening, him of whom we spoke, the presence of flow in the game by Gabriele good manifests itself in its reality. E 'Parlanti. And 'he who calls taking advantage of the possibility for detainees to make phone calls charged to 15 minutes. Ivan Suen, affable host, interview, Charles asked about his living conditions inside the prison, about his feelings: what it feels like to be an innocent prisoner in jail 4 years? The answers are as always Parlanti simple, calm and dignified. Do not presume to convince his interlocutor of his innocence. Rather invites those present to test with their own eyes the truth through the documentation of the case.

And spontaneous applause rises from the ranks of the audience. Parlanti smiles, touched, and tears fall from the sun furrowing her face. It's giving back a bit 'that life and hope that four years are taken away by force every day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Post Fever Rash Infant


My biggest desire: see That Woman suffering behind bars. For all her life. Is it too much? I don't think so.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bushnell Pinseeker 1500 Versus 1600

like us I want to talk

I want to talk about Lester Piggott

I want to talk about the Nautilus

I want to talk about the Road House

I want to talk about the playground Bodio

I want to talk about when we smoked on the premises

I want to talk about when you smoked

I want to talk about when I drank

I want to talk about the Deconstruction

I want to talk about the Tunnel

I want to talk about the girls who lived near the Tunnel Decostruction

I want to talk about anything

I want to talk about everything

I want to talk about Bai of Caminiti and Ciotti

I want to talk about maturity

I want to talk about when we become mature

I want to talk about NGI Lan

I want to talk about SMAU

I want to talk about UOL

I want to talk about a house near Lakeshire and a cat inside the fence

I want to talk about gear

I want to talk about GM

I want to talk about CS

I want to talk about "Headshot! But it is not possible! "

I want to talk about cheats

I want to talk about Rosik

I want to talk about work, Commuting stupid and colleagues

I want to talk about the gym Robour

I want to talk about fainting in the gym of Robour

I want to talk about the phone call Mino

I want to talk about my phone call

I want to talk about the ring road east

I want to talk about the Niguarda and helicopters flying over Milan

I want to talk about the sliding doors First Aid

I want to talk about people who do not know and that to me seemed a little friendly

I want to talk about my mom

I want to talk about my power

I want to talk to the policemen who were nearby and in plain clothes with his badge hanging from his neck like in the movies

I want to talk about a place that told me be Milan, but in reality is a kind of campaign where they built factories and given the way the names of inventors and scientists

I want to talk about what I imagined a solemn and dreary as it really was

I want to talk about a phone call I received on the telephone Franz

I want to talk about why a living person should donate organs and other mysteries of the universe

I want to talk about "He's dying, please"

Dawn and I want to talk to what has not even finished listening his sentence

I want to talk about the sliding doors of the ER

I want to talk about an escape

I want to talk about a wall and a park, somewhere in Milan

I want to talk about cowardice

I want to talk about little flies on my jeans Volcom

I want to talk about Blue in the Face

I want to talk about the morgue attendants who seemed to me more good people in the world and human

I want to mention the tram that runs past the Niguarda and the people who

I want to talk about a bush in which a gypsy woman hides a box when he finished his round

I want to talk about Thursday night at the piazza Montegrappa suppertime

I want to talk about who Cycling mourns

I want to talk about people sitting on the floor crying hugging a bag

I want to talk about clean dark red stains from a pair of Nike shoes

I want to talk about a bag worn as a child was

I want to talk about "Skip Bacchus"

I want to talk about cases died from closed and sealed with wax

I desire to speak of the shoes of people

I want to talk about the little scraper they use in cemeteries, and how powerful it is to hear those who use it to dig holes

I want speaking of stones and standard recyclable

I want to talk about what they are comfortable the steps of a cemetery when you're with your friends

I want to talk about Buddha sweaty

I want to talk about the first night alone

I want to talk about when they begin and do not know well because

I want to talk about people who forget and it goes on because it is more important ... More important than that?

I want to talk about yesterday

I want to talk about today

I want to talk about you
