Sunday, December 28, 2008

How Often Do Nhl Players Get New Equipment

hello hello 2008!

My 2008 was a year of shit
. At times I play my mother and Manuel, economic problems and the more you have, and so forth . November and December brought good news: new friends, decent job again. In short, the year he veered towards the positive end. That kind of positivity that makes you smile and think that in the end not everything sucks, and not everything went wrong. Somehow we came out alive also came from the
... which is good. Anyone who knows me knows how I hate it as a feast. I find it pretty damn hypocritical.
And as always approached New Year brings you to do some sort of budget you do not know how accurate or not even you (also) be true. The first 7 months, delete them all from first to last: Economic, mother's illness, problems with Carlo in the U.S., and all the tragedies associated with these events. Many, too many tears shed and a summer full of nothing . I consider myself lucky in terms of interpersonal, especially after May: I have strengthened some knowledge, I have made others that have been important for my spiritual growth and my mood. Especially for the latter:). And then the article published in the U.S. and the Po Valley were great satisfaction. At the same time, however I must admit to being worried about someone. And as usual the helplessness that I have in some situations


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