Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Women's Feet Stink

BlogTV and an evening with any other business ....

Beautiful photos Manu and me right? Needless to tell you how much I love my brother! Needless to list all the concerns in recent days. It is not suitable place or time. But I can turn this little post in a sort of review of BlogTV. A site with a thousand problems, but can you really make good laugh even when heart really Scazzi. Introduced in this round by pseudoinfernale
Andrea, who is currently also the person with more patience in explaining the operation ever, I must say it is a pretty good pastime, fun and educational at the same time, as being composed of a multitude of people of different nationalities (very few Italians) the main language of communication is English. Several channels that I watched. I must say that in addition to Andrew, which I recognize to be my base blogtvvuiana fooling around, I prefer to have something to do with music channels, or interesting conversation. At the moment I'm spending a pleasant evening by
, a "singer" no evil that has created a sort of "boothy and friends," in which he can sing and sing who is inside. Although it considers to get along quite well with a few songs, I think that before finding the courage to respond positively to the question: "susan want to sing?" I think they will spend weeks: D


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