Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Am Pregnant I Have Capillaries Broken

Birthday of Charles. 44. Even at Thanking Avenal

Today Charles's birthday. 44 years ago. And 'the 5th to him under detention. An unjust imprisonment, I want to emphasize. This picture represents his last birthday by free. He made 39. I always strange to see that photo. Leave me a Magone indescribable. Why is she smiling with friends (I'd like to know what they did). Because it was free. For many reasons. Last year did not know him well, though I lent a hand to Katie in August last year. And when Katie told me it was the first year I did not go with him since he was under detention, I felt sorry, but that was all. This year is different. This year I rode it the soul, if I think I'm wrong because now it has become as an extension of the family along with Katie and Dani, Mara, Eliza. And 'perhaps difficult to explain, but it is as if something was missing. In short, I want the people to whom I wish you well, I like to party, make their gifts. Today I can not do anything like that. And what I get upset. Why would it be enough that some people who say they do some things they had actually done instead of making fun, because Charles would be free, maybe not for today but for Christmas. short, it was realized that there I rode the soul.


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