Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Auditions Hands

I say open heart

originally wrote in my Facebook profile . In the images the last letter of Charles. And then tell me if I'm wrong. often forget that behind the prison, there is a world that is born, grows and dies in parallel to our own. Also I do not know, or pretended to forget it before I met Charles. It is often more convenient to pretend that damn thing. Thanks to him I learned that it is just such an attitude. In my effort to help this part of my family is with me, Katie knows, loves them. The other, I do not know why, it highly strafrega. Perhaps because they have fear of the unknown .. I do not know. I'm just not cared about him is even when I published the piece on the Community Alliance (monthly Fresno, California) and La Padania. Yesterday I received a Bustone by Charles, which the newspaper with the original of my article, a letter, and greeting a group of inmates gave him for his birthday last 1 novembre.Ora you'll wonder what this have with the opening of my writing. It 'easy to say. We often ignore that they are guilty or innocent prisoners remain first and foremost people.

E 'was spectacular read all the thoughts that these detainees had written to Charles. Among them there are those who know them, and those who know little, but despite this is an extraordinary feeling of affection that comes out. This ticket (which you can see at this link: also gives me a way to tell how, day after day I realize that despite his natural defects, and Carlo a very special person. . Tenetevela in mind because the contrast that comes out is crazy. Well, now think of a person 5 years unjustly detained, harassed, and living with a very limited budget. A person who took pleasure knowing me, wrapped and shipped to Italy in a newspaper of a 40in of pages, so for me and give me the pleasure, the satisfaction of framing my first "international" (as he called it). Spending the equivalent of at least 4 letters. Without bothering to hear my complaints and reproaches Telephone of weeks that told not only do the jerk and snatch the page with the article. When those 8 stamps "1st class" that has used, could be used for anything else. But that's not all that jars with the ignorance of that part of my family.
The big difference is that in spite of that article about him and therefore could represent something positive for him, the first comment following the confirmation of publication, even before you see the official copy was of joy because I had published, as it was written, "and now you have to frame, you were really good," and so on. Contentment for me and what that piece could be for me. All those things that you would expect at least minimal even by your relatives. Reactions that they are never, and instead always run by Charles. Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear over the phone and when I told him that the Bustone had arrived, he assumed the role of proud father of his daughter "(funny, I felt the same reaction my father's Article!) That plan how and where and with what frame it! "So when many years between when you show your grandchildren the stories ..." I know that there were express the most beautiful words he said or the tone in which he told her. And as he spoke I thought about those idiots of my relatives .... thinking that it is true that the family is not determined from the blood flowing, but the affection you feel. The thing that keeps me smiling, and I will end here because I am far too long, is that at the beginning wanted to ask Katie if I framed her to surprise me! Poor Katie, she would not only this!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Milena Velba Nyeste Billeder


words you thought you did not read more. Sentences that do not think you hear. "Somethimes They Come back," said Stephen King. "For a while," I add. But in all this is a must to thank with all my heart who is making me laugh like I did not do for some time. Thanks. Me deeply.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do Women's Feet Stink

BlogTV and an evening with any other business ....

Beautiful photos Manu and me right? Needless to tell you how much I love my brother! Needless to list all the concerns in recent days. It is not suitable place or time. But I can turn this little post in a sort of review of BlogTV. A site with a thousand problems, but can you really make good laugh even when heart really Scazzi. Introduced in this round by pseudoinfernale
Andrea, who is currently also the person with more patience in explaining the operation ever, I must say it is a pretty good pastime, fun and educational at the same time, as being composed of a multitude of people of different nationalities (very few Italians) the main language of communication is English. Several channels that I watched. I must say that in addition to Andrew, which I recognize to be my base blogtvvuiana fooling around, I prefer to have something to do with music channels, or interesting conversation. At the moment I'm spending a pleasant evening by
, a "singer" no evil that has created a sort of "boothy and friends," in which he can sing and sing who is inside. Although it considers to get along quite well with a few songs, I think that before finding the courage to respond positively to the question: "susan want to sing?" I think they will spend weeks: D