Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wooden Clocks Blueprints


Women are the Net and through the web, make the network. A growing number of sites that speak of the female, who recently returned to the forefront for the promotion of events like a long time now we have not seen for more participation in numerous and conviction.
Because, among other things, what they have in common is the fact that they have almost always backed by a group that will not only talk but also act directly in the company.
Donneinquota ( deals mainly with the image of women in the media and in advertising and has two major victories to his credit. He persuaded the Davenport Group (food and drink typical of Puglia) to pick up a leaflet in which it offered in tribute to women (just on March 8, look at the nerve!) a bottle of wine Nero di Troia. Also as a result of fierce protests by this group, the mark of women's clothing Silvan Heach withdrew two ads deemed offensive by replacing them with other more moderate. For the record, the challenged advertising depicting one o'clock with a model B-side and maliciously discovered naked, the other two models that young girls eagerly lick an icicle-shaped male member.
Donneinquota was born from the frequent the course "Women, Politics and Institutions", coordinated by the White Beccalli sociologist at the State University of Milan.
again ( is the blog of the women's group, which includes the director Cristina and Francesca Comencini and actress Lunetta Savino, who launched the successful demonstration of 13 February, shouting "If not now when?" and said that more than one million people in several Italian cities and abroad. It is proposed to lobby for women and to open a debate on the figure and the role of women in contemporary society.
The Land of Women online ( deals with general information and languages \u200b\u200b(in fact responsible, Marina Pivetta, qualifies as "Director"). In his Rome office is on a Documentation Centre with library and archival materials continually updated. It also serves as publisher of books fully downloadable from the home page of the website.
ZeroViolenzaDonne ( has as its mission the fight against violence against women, girls and boys and the promotion of the other half of the sky in the political, economic and social development. Born from a project of Monica Pepe, has among its employees the feminist historical Lea Melandri.
women's bodies ( is the blog of Lorella Zanardo, author of a now famous video on the female body in television. The video has been so successful that on the home-page, be careful not to send more invitations to conferences or debates because his schedule is chock up the month of September.
talking about the economy and work, but not limited to, WOMENOMICS ( You can listen to video interviews with famous women and engaged in various sectors of attività.come economist Fiorella Kostoris, the journalist Miriam Mafai, the philosopher Michel Marzano.Utilissimo to have all the statistical information on the gender gap in the Italian situation (in this case, however, be adequately prepared for the shock of depression which can follow!).
Well, let's stop here. The picture is certainly not exhaustive, but is enough to start learning about the wide world of women on the Net With best wishes to all that every day is always March 8!

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