Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can Macallans Go Bad?

TEENS AND 'between the Internet and TV OVERTAKING'

For the first time Internet TV surpasses our own among adolescents. This was stated by the Italian Society of Pediatrics, which recently presented the results of a survey of 1,300 pupils aged between 12 and 14 years ( ).
Respondents who spend more than three hours a day on the internet than those who spend more than three hours and watching TV, and lord it are the videos, you tube head (77.5%) and chat (69 %). Also the high percentage of those who use the Internet to search for information (67.5%) or to stay on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter (here the average is 64.7%, but rises to 69 among females, 1%).
In itself it is not necessarily bad because, as commented Sip President, Alberto Ugazio, " Internet is an extraordinary window on the world, with huge potential for cultural enrichment and growth, especially when compared to what is now proposed television."
The problem is that, parallel with the increased use of the Web, also increase the risks attached to it. Also from the fact that the research shows 16.7% have no qualms about giving their phone number to a stranger she met online, 22.8% to say which school he attends, 11, 2% to be seen on cam .
also concerned about the loneliness of the families. The prize of winning the trust because the parents, of which "you can always trust" for 88, 4% of respondents. But all the other adult figures below refer to a great distance: 58.8% carabinbieri and police, 55% teachers and only 39.1% of the men.
So what? The recipe comes from Dr. Ugazio always points out that certain fundamental values, such as the desire for knowledge and the ability to distinguish right from wrong, should be taught from earliest childhood because " when you get to 12-14 years is much more difficult .
add that this delicate task, however, can not simply be left to parents, but must become the patrimony of all the adult society from those who held positions of greater responsibility.

According to Law 633 of 22 April 1941 prohibited any total or partial reproduction of text. Any citations must report the source from which it derives.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Much Does A Wiper Motor Cost

presentation book Alessio Viola

Newsroom Palazzo Lanfranchi

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Traditional Iranian Dresses


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rikers Island Visiting Hours Women's

my list my list

Eat After Taking Magnesium Citrate

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mpc 2000xl For Sale Nyc


Amazon, Portalone for online sales of books, DVDs and electronic gadgets arrives in Italy. And if (?) Wants to do it in the days when opened in Milan, "the largest library in Europe," as a proud Inge Feltrinelli told Tigga talking about the new space opened at the Central Station of Milan. Internet has not killed books of paper and maybe not kill them for many years. Even so, that What we read e-book if not something that usually was first printed on paper? And besides, if it is true that you buy a bit 'of everything (even home appliances and watches), the portal in the world is best known for selling books. The story then says that the link between U.S. giant and Italy originated fifteen years ago, when a Genoese gentleman ordered overseas a fantasy novel that apparently not too famous but he liked a lot.
And what about the historic Italian brand? Since the seventies, when talking about Feltrinelli remembered the tragic events linked to the death of its founder that the company that bears her name, water has passed under the bridge! Feltrinelli is not only a major Italian publishing houses, but through its library has an extensive presence throughout the territory (at least in the North). This new space (2,400 square feet to 65,000 titles) comes to crown with dignity a long march that began decades ago and the combative Inge is extraordinary icon.
The book is alive and well, long live the book! What seems to understand, however, is that it is by the great master, libraries or portals that are (IBS boasts one million and 400 thousand customers).
hoped never to sing "De Profundis" instead of the book, of small libraries that often, especially in the province, are small but lively center of cultural promotion and membership.

According to Law 633 of 22 April 1941 prohibited any total or partial reproduction of text. Any citations must report the source from which it derives.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Adjust My Carbarator On My Snow Mobile


November 26, 2010 18:00 PM
library Genghis Khan

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Much Is A Washington Sports Club Membership

interview - click!

kisses, kisses and more ...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bearded Dragons With Rankin Fighting

November 12 - Padova

introduce the book at 21
Library The shape of the book

Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Form Of Kmbd Chennai


with Luigi De Magistris
October 7, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mount And Blade Unit Cap


Eight in the morning, but perhaps even earlier. I turn on the radio, is the first thing that I just got out of bed, the hunger for news is never satisfied. I'm having breakfast, even stomach beckons. Tuned to "Radio 24" I expect to know the recent events: school, work, health, transport ... In short, the problems that plague us mere mortals. But the journalist begins to read out the minutes of the Ogre Avetrana, particularly chilling and gory, which is already known because we had them Ammanniti the Tg La7 last night.
I do not know what I mean: 24 Radio is the radio of Confindustria, but beyond that, it is a radio that I like because its reporters are always professional and the information is accurate and timely; La7 is one of the few TV channels that you can still watch and the Tg of Mentone is really well done.
But why give so obsessive about morbid details of a story that is primarily private? I'm not saying that we should inform about these facts, which are, however, also a collective interest especially when the victim is a minor, but there are different ways to do it! If you want to prevent such terrible events happen again, no need, indeed it is counterproductive to insist on particular morbid instincts serve only to titillate.
I turned off the radio and I turned on the PC. On the web at least the me I choose, I can I get my playlist of news, without feeling "raped" by information that is missing completely sight of its public role. It does not claim that the educational information, is not his task. But tell that well, at least that, yes!

According to Law 633 of 22 April 1941 prohibited any total or partial reproduction of text. Any citations must report the source from which it derives.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Leaf Green Infinite Money Vba

Balilla presentation and small Italian

October 7, 2010

library Liberalibro - libraries GALLA
Valdagno There

Monday, September 27, 2010

Does Great Clips Dye Hair?

present Balilla and small Italian

September 25, 2010
palazzo Lanfranchi

Monday, September 20, 2010

Alicia Rhodes Get Shoes

literary salon - click here -

Thursday, September 23 at 18:30

PRESENTATION "Balilla and small Italian"

BITONTO (Bari), L . go Teatro 7
literary salon "Sen.G. Degennaro

Monday, September 13, 2010

Play Pokemon Red Fast Speed

reader REVIEW - CLICK!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can I Deduct Office Decorations

so does all?! DOL'S

sell his soul for 70 €.

Fuck No! a dictator.

It 's been a week of Italian theater, broadcast worldwide alas! Rivers of words and images we have seen gradually amazed, shocked, shocked.

And ready to digest this.

Four years ago we were amazed, shocked and outraged by the revelations about the coming and going in the first 'office Salvo Sottile, two years ago, the Escort in the bathrooms of Palazzo Grazioli.

Those made today are no longer news, we do not cause in any start.

Repetition sucks. The news is not ready to lose that balloons in the air as soon loosen its grip.

What remains of those surveys, of those revelations?

That today we all know what it means to escort but it seems a bit 'more fun than a prostitute.

How to gloss over the fact that after a dinner escort plans to extend the legs and open his mouth, nothing to do with listening to jokes or go shopping.

me think "Thank God there's cocaine!" I imagine that stuns aid to pay to open and expand, especially at twenty, when you should be around to fall in love on the waterfront.

Così fan tutte, someone rumored two years ago at the bar.

Così fan tutte, rumor today on the hostess leading the medal around the neck of a dictator. But yeah, what's wrong? It 's just a well-paid appearances. A chance to finish on the front page, getting noticed and who knows.

Some of them have sold their souls and for 70 € extra.

The soul!

was the only thing that was left of prostitution.

soul! We think we can only sell to the devil! Or is the devil who changed appearance, and it may be debatable, those girls are really the symbol of an empty inside in danger of floundering.

Today swollen tits and empty casings of our intimacy.

But digest this too. Metabolized by now all the speed that technology and allows us to ask us.

Così fan tutte is rumored in the bar opposite the disarming smile of the soul of prostitutes.

will by itself so we will see new conversions? Agencies to open an outlet?

The television schedule we propose pseudo-odalisques with bells jingling?

Così fan tutte, "said Tinto Brass.

Così fan tutte?

But when ever!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Homemade Boiler Pellet

interview on the online site for women

DOL'S interview on the online site for women

Betting Excanges Korea


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Where Is The Hidden Blade Blueprints

PRESS BOOK 2010 - click!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Connect Karaoke Microphone In Desktop 2010

August 27 - Click here *

Monday, April 12, 2010

Live Well From Cooler

The Fall

When you fall, the world around you stop for a moment.

The view is dark, there's no sound in the ears, do not try anything, even pain.

For a few seconds to bask on the ground remains in limbo, to enjoy the freedom of weightlessness of who has finally gotten rid of himself.

Then a slap, the first voices forcefully take possession of the void, they uproot the essence, the color, fill.

you just sit, and his heart starts to beat, here comes the pain.


wounds to assess the damage and see the broken skin and exposed flesh, but no blood. No, no blood at first, because he is so: he likes to procrastinate, be made to wait, and only when it is certain that you are watching anxiously, then comes out in streams.

Bloody and sore I threw down, close your eyes and look the way mentally to what great place where you were ethereal and invincible and your brain still did not understand what had happened.

Blood, tears and sweat.

Would you like to be over, the sky splits in two, which were removed from the calendars every Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday so that you no longer needed. You roll on the floor and make a fuss because the pain is greater dignity.

But then, without your having given strict orders to your body, trembling and sobbing fade and eventually disappear, the tears dry, and dries up the blood around the cuts and scratches.

Why does it happen?

Pain and suffering are the same moment in which there are now real, but someone asks you to regain composure, a bloody and senseless behavior.

Who and authority which deprives you of the right to be miserable?

Disappointed and lame resume your road covered with scabs and bruises, the people you meet see you, but look at your wounds. Some turn up their noses, irritated by the fact that your bruises from ruining the landscape, someone else gets a bit 'pants, shows you a small peeling on the knee and says he'll understand why he went there, someone else still continues to set up and, impelled by a morbid curiosity, does not retain applications and reach out your hand to touch your wounds.

How much pain and how much contempt.

One day you realize that scabs and bruises are gone, leaving scars more or less deep. The cover as best you can to avoid eye and asking questions and start walking again because the pain is gone because the pain is still deep and tangible as the moment when the blood started to gush.

I told you that you thought would pass and the pain, but how can the memory of the moment when you touched the ground after an endless flight is so alive and screaming?

They say there is nothing more beautiful and true when you find the strength to get up shaking the dust off.

They say a lot of things, but most are crap.