Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Flip Hd Camera, Kuala Lumpur

God, the first step is done

Community Alliance - November 2008 - page 16 - Fresno, Ca "La Padania" of October 29, 2008 - Page 8 - Sec. Politics

Monday, October 20, 2008

Conair Messaging Slips

2 days x Parlanti

taken from "THE FUND"

Valentina Cervelli

A phone call. A round of applause that comes naturally. And a tear falls down her face the man who is holding the handset. E 'October 15, 2008. On the one hand, the stalls of the Italian players of Milan. At the other end of the wire, Parlanti, in
link from prison. All this during an 'interview Conduct telephone in an evening dedicated to him, born from the collaboration between the Association nonprofit Prisoners of Silence
and artists in Milan, led by Ivan Suen.
"The Case Parlanti: between fiction and reality." A meeting created to let people know who is Parlanti, what has been accused (unfairly) and how his life has been transformed into an inferno on the basis of nothing. Why is it that still, after four years, affects people who decide to stop and look at the evidence and read the documentation of the case: Parlanti is accused without any actual proofs of his guilt and, even more, with obvious infringement of the evidence presented in court.

is then that the first press conference called by Prisoners of Silence on October 10 and again during the event sponsored by the Center
Italian actors

15, there was a chance to touch hand and empathize with the everyday man's sad that increasingly is becoming a symbol of the often tragic conditions of the Italians held abroad. With the aggravating circumstance in this case, than others of his innocence.

During the press conference
October 10, Katia

Anedda, president of Prisoners of Silence, and with it Ms. Luciana Martena

(PDL) Hon.
Matteo Salvini,
(League) and Dr Renata

Galanti (League), explained the major issues concerning the detention of a fellow over state borders. Among them, the objective difficulties of language and prison overcrowding, a service that is not always conducted in a linear fashion by the authorities and the difficulty, always felt he could really trust the lawyers that you contact. But most of all the physical integrity of their loved ones, often put at risk by high promiscuity and infectious diseases. Parlanti

's case is taken as an example: Dr. Martena praises Prisoners of Silence for the innovative work done so far while Ms. Galante, head of Families of the ATM offers the collaboration of the Northern League lawyers related to it to study for a concrete resolution to the speaker.

is then introduced Ivan Suen, president of the Center of Milan, Italian actors, who describes in great detail and simplicity of the reasons that led him to want to organize a show on Parlanti. And on this occasion, this evening, that the very essence of the case and the lives torn Parlanti to find a way, revealing to the audience in front of the Italian actors. Thanks to the wonderful interpretation of Gabriele Milia,

a monologue composed by writer Julie Bologna
Parlanti seems to be present in the audience, he is the illustration of the documentation to support his longtime girlfriend Katie Anedda. And people's eyes are grainy, the emotion rises, the murmur is constant.

Gianfranco Ferreri, criminal lawyer of the Turin Bar present at the event, spoke in the debate. The documentation on the case is presented, analyzes the inconsistencies highlighted the injustices. The room falls silent in the moment, around 23, the theater sound system sounds the notes of a telephone ring.

The star of the evening, him of whom we spoke, the presence of flow in the game by Gabriele good manifests itself in its reality. E 'Parlanti. And 'he who calls taking advantage of the possibility for detainees to make phone calls charged to 15 minutes. Ivan Suen, affable host, interview, Charles asked about his living conditions inside the prison, about his feelings: what it feels like to be an innocent prisoner in jail 4 years? The answers are as always Parlanti simple, calm and dignified. Do not presume to convince his interlocutor of his innocence. Rather invites those present to test with their own eyes the truth through the documentation of the case.

And spontaneous applause rises from the ranks of the audience. Parlanti smiles, touched, and tears fall from the sun furrowing her face. It's giving back a bit 'that life and hope that four years are taken away by force every day.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Post Fever Rash Infant


My biggest desire: see That Woman suffering behind bars. For all her life. Is it too much? I don't think so.