Friday, April 13, 2007

1996 Taurus Cigarette Adapter

I miss you ... Bacchus

Two rows, or perhaps three, just to add something to what I heard yesterday at church and for all those people who, like me, can not find too much comfort in the divine plan that is presented to us.

is because it is easy to say that you are always among us, you will not have lost, we should not be sad because now you're better than a year and a day ago, it's easy to get the last words in his mouth Pope John Paul II, is too easy, and to me the easy things are a bit 'on the cock ...

I know someday I'll see you as I left (that is, to want to be picky you that I have ... left), I know are always with me because I'm always with me, I know I'm doing the right thing even if it cost much more than what they do and see, but not enough for me.
I'll be a willful child, but not enough for me ...

You know, the worst moment of last year was not the day of the accident, nor my first birthday without your "Congratulations dickhead", but it is was the moment I started to miss you, that of the daily bullshit, the sclera on msn when he can not work more hours in front of the computer to "throw the time back to those toys," the lack of 'aperitif on Saturday evening at the Orchid, evenings useless and insipid, the "Tell Me" with which to answer the phone, your walk like a perfect idiot, your poor lack of aesthetic sense, when we argued, of being hours talking without saying anything but solving all the problems of the world The lack of a "we 3" ...

And there is nothing to be done, there is no consolation for this withdrawal symptoms.
I go out with friends, laughing and joking, but when I'm in the car, driving home alone, I turn to the passenger seat and I seem to see you there, a little 'hump, you do because you dick faces you realize that I'm watching.

I miss you, damn, I really miss you.